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Artist paints a random cat’s nose that she saw online, ends up finding deceased pet's owner by luck

A heartfelt painting inspired by a cat’s picture brought joy to its owner, creating a meaningful bond between strangers.
Cat painting on a canvas (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Hüsna Şimşek)
Cat painting on a canvas (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Hüsna Şimşek)

Isn't it truly magical how the universe works? Sometimes, moments that feel completely random transform into profound, meaningful connections, touching people in ways they never imagined. Well, while we would probably never know how things happen the way they do, it is always heartwarming to experience such moments. For instance, an artist, Joy (who goes by u/joyousjoyness on Reddit) came across an adorable close-up picture of a cat's nose online and was inspired to re-create it on canvas. Little did Joy realize then that this particular picture would connect her with the cat's owner

An artist painting on the canvas (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Greta Hoffman)
An artist painting on the canvas (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Greta Hoffman)

After finishing her painting, the artist shared it on social media along with several other creations of hers. Meanwhile, a woman, who goes u/glittered_fingers on Reddit, stumbled upon the painting only to realize it was her late cat Millie's photo. Replying to the thread, she wrote, "Did you paint my cat? I mean, I don't mind if you did, I posted this photo of her back in 2020 on Twitter." Notably, the cat owner also shared the actual picture of Millie that had inspired the artist's artwork. "It's just this made me cry the good tears because she's gone now and this is one of my favorite pictures of her. Holy moly. I love this so much. RIP Millie!" she added. 

Woman smilling while scrolling phone (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio)
Woman smiling while scrolling phone (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio)

Meanwhile, Joy responded to the lady and asked if she would like a print or a sticker of Millie's painting. Overwhelmed with emotions, the woman replied, "Honestly, it means the world to know that she's giving other people smiles and this is a gorgeous tribute to her! I'd love a print so much, thank you!" Later, Joy also updated her audience and shared that she had successfully delivered a print of her picture to the cat lady. In a separate Reddit post, the artist wrote, "She received the print! (Update to the owner of a cat reference that I painted finding my painting, and I sent her a copy)" This time also, Millie's owner reacted to the post and expressed her gratitude for Joy. 

A woman playing with her cat (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mesut Ylcn)
A woman playing with her cat (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mesut Ylcn)

"Millie is no longer with us, but I feel so lucky to have this mad opportunity to see her again every day. I'm thrilled that she's out in the world making other people smile too," she added. The Reddit post received an outpour of love from people. For instance, u/leakylifeboat00 commented, "Man, I didn’t need to cry today! I lost my sweet baby almost a year ago and if I had money to buy such an awesome thing, I would. I’m so glad you found each other and that you have such an amazing piece of art of your kitty. Wishing you and OP many blessings ahead!" u/beanface wrote, "We lost our bulldog before Christmas so I can only imagine their joy finding this and the comfort that their beautiful kitty was causing smiles and providing inspiration for gorgeous art even after they were gone. It's funny how the world works."

Image Source: Reddit | u/phdpinup
Image Source: Reddit | u/phdpinup

Image Source: Reddit | u/bryn1281
Image Source: Reddit | u/bryn1281

u/professional-soup878 commented, "This is one of the sweetest stories I’ve heard. Your kitty is out there making people smile and you have her now too on your wall. It’s such a perfectly done piece capturing the curiosity of a cat." u/taint__paint commented, "Just put my kitty of 15 years down recently. This is so wholesome and made my day. You all are awesome."